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Adopted Farnham Neighbourhood Plan 2017


The journey that led to the adoption of Farnham's first Neighbourhood Plan in 2017.

The 2017 Neighbourhood Plan journey

Shaped by Farnham people

Residents and businesses were widely consulted over several years about how land should be used and the type of development that should happen across the area for the next 15 years. The completed Plan details housing and employment sites selected after public consultation in 2013/14 and includes policies designed to shape Farnham until 2031.

Independent examination

In November 2016 the Plan had a thorough examination by an appointed independent Examiner. In February 2017 the Examiner concluded that the Plan met the required basic conditions and all legal requirements, and recommended some minor modifications which were made.


On Thursday 4 May 2017 a Farnham-wide referendum took place.  A large majority, 88% of the 11,391 people who voted, voted ‘Yes’ in the referendum,  which means the plan could be used by Waverley Borough Council in determining planning applications in the Farnham area in future.

Judicial Review

The legality of the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan was challenged by three developers who wished to build houses on sites not included in the Neighbourhood Plan. After a two-day hearing on 15 and 16 June 2017 at the Royal Courts of Justice, the Judge Mrs Justice Lang DBE dismissed all three grounds put forward by Bewley Homes PLC, Wates Developments Ltd and Catesby Estates (Developments) Ltd and ordered that they pay the defendants’ costs.

Waverley Borough Council adopts the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan

The Farnham Neighbourhood Plan 2013-31 was “made” (adopted) by Waverley Borough Council on 28 July 2017.

See the final version of Farnham’s Neighbourhood Plan.

Early review of Neighbourhood Plan

Farnham Town Council carried out an early review of its adopted Neighbourhood Plan to allocate sites for an additional 450 homes required until the end of the Waverley Local Plan period of 2032. A newsletter was published in August to update people on what was happening.

A call for sites was carried out in spring 2018 and all previously submitted sites were reviewed alongside new proposals.

A number of additional minor modifications weremade to bring the Neighbourhood Plan up to date. A public consultation began on Friday 17 August to find out people’s views on the proposed sites for the additional homes. The consultation closed on Sunday 30 September.

The revised Neighbourhood Plan will need to go through a further independent examination which is hoped can take place before the end of the year.

Response to proposals to modify the Local Plan

In response to the Waverley Local Plan Modifications, Farnham Town Council submitted the following to Waverley Borough Council in October 2017:

  • Covering letter to Waverley Borough Council’s head of planning
  • Representation form – Part A
  • Representation form – Part 1 of Part B
  • Representation form – Part 2 of Part B

See Waverley’s proposed changes.

Useful documents

Farnham Neighbourhood Plan proposals map “made” 28 July 2017 Farnham Neighbourhood Plan Built Up Area Boundary

The completed Plan includes details of housing and employment sites selected after public consultation in 2013/14 and policies designed to shape Farnham until 2031.

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