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Services to Farnham Awards

Group of people holding an award. The front row are seated and the back row is standing.

How to nominate somebody for a prestigious Services to Farnham Award and previous recipients.


About the awards



Presentation of the awards

Recipients of Services to Farnham Awards


About the awards

Once a year, we give Services to Farnham Awards to people who provide an outstanding or crucial service to the community or the people of Farnham. The awards medals are kindly sponsored by the Tindle News Group.


Nominations are welcome from local organisations and from members of the public.

If there is somebody you would like to put forward, you will need to explain why you are nominating them and will require a seconder.

To nominate somebody you know, please complete the Services to Farnham Award nomination form.


A small panel of people consider the nominations and put forward their winning selections to a meeting of the Full Council at the end of January.

Presentation of the awards

The winners are invited to receive their awards at a special ceremony in February. This normally takes place on the last Monday in February. The Mayor of Farnham presents the awards.

Recipients of Services to Farnham Awards


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Alan Earwaker presented medals to:

Adam Chambers, Maria Finch, Tony Marshall

For services to 12th Farnham (Wrecclesham) Scouts

Adam, Maria and Tony were co-founders of the 12th Farnham (Wrecclesham) Scouts some ten years ago. Scouting was flourishing but there was a shortage of volunteers. Supported by the District Commissioner, they re-established a cub pack, and undertook the necessary training to enable the group to flourish, and then created a scout group.

Adam became the Group Scout Leader and has been the Responsible Person for the past decade as well as also running the weekly scouting sessions, on top of his job as a primary school teacher.

Maria spent ten years running the Beaver Scout section as well as leading in Cubs, despite her own children having moved on from those sections. She has been a regular attendee at camps being part of the important crew feeding everyone!

Tony has never stopped being a scout! Having achieved the Queen Scout Award, he continued as a Sea Scout volunteer and still trains young sailors, in addition to running the cubs’ section for the last ten years. Tony also volunteers to support FAOS (Farnham Amateur Operatic Society) with lighting and sound.

Adam, Tony and Maria, recruited a community of ten scout leaders and have been able to maintain a regular programme of activities including: camping (giving every child the opportunity to participate); navigation; bush craft; pioneering; leadership; first aid; climbing & abseiling; cycling and cycle maintenance; archery & shooting; cooking; kayaking & rafting. Through a focus on teamwork, respect and adventure, young individuals are encouraged to develop leadership skills as they grow through Scouts.

Adam, Tony and Maria have dedicated themselves in supporting over 150 young people aged six years through to 14 years old with the opportunity to develop themselves as young citizens. They have shown themselves to be action orientated, selfless and are fully deserving of the Services to Farnham Award.

Chris Blake

For services to the community through Care Farnham

Chris Blake is a familiar figure to elderly and less independent residents who need help in getting to and from medical appointments. He has done almost 2,000 drives, covering around 50,000 miles for Care Farnham over the past nine years. He is also a Trustee and Transport Officer updating the 50 or so volunteer drivers.

Chris sets a fine example with his reliable and committed service to the community and is a worthy recipient of the Services to Farnham Award.

Mike Downs

For services to Folly Hill and Park View

Mike Downs has been a key committee member of the Park View Residents’ Association for the last 12 years including being Deputy Chairman and Chairman.

Mike has been instrumental in developing and maintaining excellent links with local Town, Borough and County Councillors and has spent considerable time involved in local and national planning requirements to ensure local concerns were taken into account. He has also championed his community on issues relating to the East Street/Brightwells development and the Farnham Infrastructure programme.

Mike has made a significant contribution, largely unseen, for the residents of Folly Hill/Park View Residents’ Association and thoroughly deserves to be formally recognised for his unwavering dedication and commitment.

Charles Hermon Frost

For services to the community

For some 17 years, Hermon Frost has organised a classic car show in Farnham to raise funds to support Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care.

Hermon has volunteered thousands of hours over the years to make the free and accessible event happen with car enthusiasts bringing out their much-loved vehicles with rare and restored cars, trucks and bikes.

Over the years Hermon (now also supported by his daughter and granddaughter) has raised over £16,500 to support Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care enabling 16 patients with an advanced or terminal illness to benefit from the Living Well Day Services, improve their well-being and remain as independent as possible.

Through his efforts, Hermon has brought delight to many Farnham residents whilst raising thousands of pounds for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care and much deserves this award.

Andrew Henderson

For services to well-being

Andrew Henderson has made an important contribution to the well-being of residents. As a dedicated, thoughtful and prolific volunteer driver for Care Farnham he has averaged 2-3 drives a week over the past seven years and also drives for the Williams Club. He has been a Care Farnham Trustee with particular responsibility for publicity.

Andrew is the founder and current Chairman of FAST UK, a small Farnham based charity working with Roma communities; and also made key contributions to the Weybourne Community Church and now Crondall Baptist Church. Andrew makes a huge difference to the community combining his charitable outreach and his spiritual leadership to enrich the Farnham community in many ways.

Peter Jeans

For services to the Dempster Trust and inclusive cycling

Peter Jeans has always been an important contributor to the Farnham Community, especially individuals and families who are in need, through the Dempster Trust, serving as a Trustee for 20 years including as period as Chairman.

Peter is also the founder and Chairman of non-profit charity Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling set up over 20 years ago to enable people with disabilities to enjoy cycling in a safe environment, irrespective of age, background, illness or disability.

Supporting over 1,000 clients, Peter leads 14 volunteers and the weekly activities throughout the year and has fundraised for specialist cycles of all types, including wheelchair carriers, side-by-side tricycles, tandem hand tricycles and ‘rickshaws’.

Through his dedication to helping Farnham residents in need, and for his leadership and public service commitment Peter will leave a great legacy and is a worthy recipient of the Services to Farnham award.

David Lang

For services to culture and heritage of Farnham

David Lang has used his professional IT skills over many years unstintingly in the support of the Farnham Society and the Farnham Building Preservation Trust and the Public Art Trust.

As a long serving member of the Heritage Open Days Committee (HODs) he designs the full colour Heritage Open Days brochure and assists with bookings to the many events.

David has also created websites for the Farnham Building Preservation Trust and the Public Art Trust bringing Farnham to life for a wide range of residents and visitors and making a focussed contribution to a range of Farnham organisations. The recognition of his efforts and quiet contribution is acknowledged with this award.

Richard Sandars

For services to the environment and heritage of Farnham

Richard Sandars devotes endless time and energy to community affairs. As Chair of the Old Church Lane Residents’ Association and as a volunteer for the Bourne Conservation Group for over 20 years he has championed biodiversity, the landscape and the built heritage.

Since 2011 he has been Secretary of the Bourne Conservation Group and led the Group’s History Project creating a comprehensive picture of the heritage of The Bourne and overseeing conservation of the Old Bourne Churchyard and its monuments. With his late wife Celia, Richard has also been a significant contributor to the work of the Farnham Theatre Association.

Richard has been described as methodical, efficient and unassuming which masks the strength and quality of his outstanding achievements for the community and he richly deserves the recognition of this award.

Cliff Watts

For Services to Badshot Lea and Farnham

Cliff dedicates much of his time to two important organisations within the village of Badshot Lea. He has chaired the Badshot Lea Community Association for many years and is a trustee of the Hop Kiln (Village Hall), whilst also being its treasurer.

Cliff was one of the first people to realise the importance of the Neighbourhood Plan and spent many hours contributing to planning meetings and appeals against development in inappropriate locations and keeping the village up to date with latest developments.

At the Hop Kiln, Cliff undertakes many roles including as its treasurer and chairing meetings. He has also been instrumental in supporting Farnham in Bloom, the pond restoration, and the development of the Community Garden which is a tranquil place for villagers and visitors.

Cliff shows huge dedication, diligence and gives of his time willingly. As someone who has been at the centre of key organisations that enhance life in the village for many years, he is understandably regarded as ‘Mr Badshot Lea’ and the award is well-deserved.


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Alan Earwaker presented medals to:

Paul Adams

Roy Beard

Barry Cogger

Norma Corkish

Jonathan Curtis

Mark Elsoffer

Ruth Hicks and Maureen Williams

Sue Keogh

Katherine Larmer

Collette Macklin

John Martin

Tony Ostime

Christine Sargent

Lady Beryl Tindle MBE

Gail Whattingham

Paul Whitlock


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Pat Evans presented medals to:

Rev’d David Ashby

John Birch

Tony Burke

David Coker

Sarah Coker

Christopher Ellis

Peter Glover MBE

Michael Maher

Rebecca Skeels


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Pat Evans presented medals to:

Rachel Britton

Vic Cracknell

Col. Jack Crawford

Anthony Goodall

Louise Granville-Jones

Dr Alan Hunt

Michael McAleenan.

John Negus

Graham Noakes

Graham Precious

Chris Shepheard

Norman Smith

Barry Wilkinson


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor David Attfield presented medals to:

Dr Martin Angel

Dr David Brown

Rachel Deadman

Philip German

Iain Hunter

Polly Murray

Valerie and Douglas Nye

Catherine Powell

Marion Stagg

Marion Stockley

Bill Whittenbury


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Mike Hodge presented medals to:

George Alford 

Alexa Barrow

Janet Fraser 

Mavis Golding 

Maureen Grew

Keith Harris

Robert Hockey

Richard Horton

Elizabeth Meade

Roy Waight

Ian Wilkins


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor John Ward presented medals to:

John Boas

Pam Easey

Susan Farrow

David Gill

Roger Hobbs

Carol McFarlane

Peter Sauter

Peter Seager

Sue Weaver

Susan Wells


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Mrs Pat Frost presented medals to:

Martin Billett

Stewart Dakers

Brian Gravestock

Vera and Allan Maxwell

Joanna Michaelides

Gilly Stewart

Diane Vasey

Robert (Bob) Verner-Jeffreys


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Jeremy Ricketts presented medals to:

Phil Alexander

Roy Beard

Robert Blackman

Linda Bone

Anne Boyman

Peter Buckingham

John Collins

John Ely

Alan Gavaghan

John Green

Peter Greenyer

Geoffrey Jeal

Margaret Kitney

Diana Martin

David McAdam

Darryl Morgan

Noel Moss

Edward Peek

Michael Prinsep

Ivy and Reg Skeet

Gavin Stride

David and Gillian Victor-Smith


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Paddy Blagden presented medals to:

Michael Beale

Roger Bradley

Peter Brinsden

Jan Clark

Simon Farrant

David Fisher

Brian Greig

Sue Hepburn

Jonathan Jones

Peter Matthews

Michael Yeadon


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Stephen Hill presented medals to:

Ian Carter

Meg Daniels

Audrey Gotting

Eric Goulding

David Graham

Sue Gravenell

Ken Powell

Nicky Staszkiewicz

Derek Wall

Marion Wall

Geoff Wallis

Rosemary Wisbey


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Jill Hargreaves presented medals to:

Keith Aston

Jo Aylwin

Elisabeth Butters

Bill Cushen

Gloria Dyche

Maggie Groves

Lionel Knight

David Lambert

Steve Newport

Eve Price

Olive Silver

Tracy Thayre

Diane Thomas

Phil Thomas


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor John Ward presented medals to:

Elizabeth Bagnall

Ina Barzotelli

Sheelagh Greentree

Michael Hayter

Henry Liu

Jean Parratt

Berni Schoenberg

Mick Sturgess

Kevin Taitt

Cyril Trust


The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Lucinda Fleming presented medals to:

Mike Barter

Joyce Belcher

Leslie Binfield

Michael Blower

Sue Bowness

Brenda Broomhead

Roger Burge

Chris Elton

Nellie Hawkins

Carol Holman

Mike Holman

Jean Hurst

Brian Kurton

Dr Pat Lambert

Dennis Pratt

Mike Probert

Bryan Sell

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