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Town Councillor Vacancy

Ornate Rowledge Village Sign featuring a church, tree and men playing cricket against a blue sky.

Find out about the process for the co-option of a new councillor in Wrecclesham and Rowledge ward.

Are you interested in local matters? Would you like to serve your local community?

Farnham Town Council is inviting applications for the co-option of a new councillor for the Wrecclesham and Rowledge ward following the resignation of Councillor Edmonds. 

To apply, candidates will need to complete and submit an application form by Wednesday 30 November. Applicants will be invited to attend the Council meeting on Thursday 15 December where they will be asked to speak for three minutes to explain why they wish to be co-opted. This will be followed by an opportunity for councillors to ask questions.

After the presentations, councillors will vote for their preferred candidate. The successful candidate will become a councillor with immediate effect and will represent Wrecclesham and Rowledge ward until the local elections in May 2023.

There will be an induction and training for the person who is co-opted so they will be fully prepared for their new role. You do not have to be affiliated to a political party to apply.

The National Association of Local Councils has published resources explaining what local councils and councillors do, how you can become a councillor, details of the role and what to expect. Find out more about becoming a councillor.

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