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Role of Farnham Town Council

Two stage protection scheme in Borreli Walk

Find out about the Farnham River Management Committee (FRMC) and the role of Farnham Town Council.

The Role of Farnham Town Council

Farnham Town Council is an active member of the Farnham River Management Committee (FRMC).

Although Farnham Town Council does not have direct responsibility for any aspects of the town’s river system, we do recognise our duty on behalf of residents to ensure that flood risk management is receiving the attention it deserves.

The FRMC is made up of representatives of those with responsibility for or an interest in the river and drainage systems of the town. Members of the group include: The Environment Agency; Surrey County Council; Surrey County Council Highways; Waverley Borough Council; Farnham Town Council; Thames Water; The Farnham Society; Farnham Rivers Group; Residents’ representatives.

We host the FRMC meetings and provide secretarial support. Proceedings are then reported to the Community Enhancement Working Group and brought to the attention of the full Council as appropriate.

FRMC facilitates good liaison between all stakeholders and allows Farnham Town Council and residents to raise matters of their concern. Priority is given to monitoring river maintenance activities with a view to ensuring all watercourses and drainage systems are kept in good condition. Potential problems are brought to attention. The committee also monitors lessons learned from flood events and notes any changes made to relevant legislation.


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