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Call for housing sites

Aerial photo of Farnham houses, trees and fields.

Help us to identify sites suitable for new homes or SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space) by sending us details about a site(s) you own.

Call for housing and Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG) sites

Following the adoption of the Waverley Local Plan, we are carrying out an early partial review of the Neighbourhood Plan to identify sites for up to 450 additional homes that will need to be built in Farnham between now and 2032. We are also looking to identify a site or sites for Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG).

A number of housing sites in Farnham and the surrounding area have already been identified and included in the adopted Neighbourhood Plan. We now need to find potential additional sites suitable for the extra homes.

In addition, so that the residents from the new homes do not put recreational pressure on the Thames Basin Heaths SPA, Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space must also be identified.

What makes a suitable housing site

We are only interested in hearing about sites that are at least 0.2 hectares. The Government is also keen to make the best use of previously developed brownfield sites and small sites (up to 0.5ha) so we would be particularly interested in receiving such sites. We will assess each site for its suitability and availability and whether housing development would be achievable.

What makes a Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG)

SANGs must be perceived as semi-natural spaces with little intrusion of artificial structures. It must be possible to complete a circular walk of 2.3 – 2.5 km around the SANG. Access within the SANG must be largely unrestricted with plenty of space provided where it is possible for dogs to exercise freely and safely off lead without disturbing important wildlife. SANGs larger than 12 hectares must aim to provide a variety of habitats for users to experience.

Submit a suggestion

Please tell us about any sites that you own which you think would be suitable for housing or SANG.

The deadline for submitting suggestions was 11.59pm on Friday 23 March 2018.

Submit your suggestion.

What happens after the consultation closes

We will review all suggested sites against an agreed methodology, the adopted Local and Neighbourhood Plans and the National Planning Policy Framework.

Once the sites have been assessed, the list will be submitted to Waverley Borough Council for consultation.

Suitable sites will be proposed as allocations in the early partial review of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Town Council intend to conduct this process quickly and thoroughly so that an updated Neighbourhood Plan is adopted later this year.

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