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‘Teens in the Garden’ Talk

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Thursday 13 June 2024 - 15.30 - 16.30


Squire's Garden Centre

Squire’s Garden Centre in Frensham has joined forces with Surrey-based teen wellbeing charity, the Green Hub Project for Teens, to host a wellbeing talk, focusing on how nature and gardening can improve mental wellbeing in young people.

The Green Hub’s Co-founder, Vanessa Lanham-Day, will deliver an informative talk explaining how nature can help the wellbeing of young people in today’s society. This is a subject which has been well-documented and is increasingly recognised as having significant benefits on mental health and general wellbeing. Vanessa will focus on the teen mental health crisis, including ‘The five ways to Wellbeing’ – what they are and why they work. She will unpick the evidence to show what is working and use the Green Hub Project as a case study, explaining the impact it has made made so far.

Taking place in Squire’s Café Bar, with a delightful view of the plant area, tickets for the event are £5 and include tea or coffee and a slice of cake – advanced booking is essential (either online or in-store). Profits from the event will be donated to The Green Hub. The talk, to include a Q&A session, will last approximately 60 mins.

The Green Hub is Squire’s Frensham’s Charity of the Year 2024, which sees the centre look at various ways to support their charity as well as raise much needed funds. The talk is part of Squire’s ‘Plant Happy’ campaign launched earlier this year, which focuses on the valuable and important role plants and gardening play in our wellbeing.

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