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News, September 2016

The members of the Farnham Visitor Forum recently met at the Garden Gallery at the Museum of Farnham. Since the previous meeting, the unveiling of the William Cobbett statue in Longbridge had taken place by Penelope Keith.

The Farnham Visitor Forum website is currently being revamped and is hosted by the Town Council. The website address is

The responses to the Questionnaire were still being received and the Working Group will be meeting to discuss the points raised.


Members updated the group with any news including: the Farnham Maltings hosting a free afternoon tea which attracted 600 people. The Farnham Pottery reported a series of successful recent events with more scheduled for the coming months. Guided tours of Farnham Castle continue to take place on Wednesday afternoons when there isn’t a wedding taking place. Visit Surrey have published a new pocket sized leaflet and notices of their Christmas campaign will be going live on their website shortly. The Heritage Open Days took place in September and it was another very successful year with the most popular venues being Waverley Abbey House, Farnham Castle, Farnham Pottery and Michael Blower’s exhibition at the Maltings. The Ashgate Gallery had a good programme of exhibitions and are enjoying collaborating with the Maltings and UCA for Farnham Craft month. The Farnham Walking Festival is planned for May 21st to 28th 2017. At least 30 walks have been organised already.


The date of the next meeting is scheduled for the end of January 2017.

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