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Batting’s Garden

Junction of A287 and Ridgway Road

Enter through the splendid oak gate.

A wildlife garden tucked behind a hedgerow alongside an otherwise busy junction. Looked after by conservation volunteers and well worth a visit if you enjoy an informal space to wander among grasses, wildflowers, birds and insects. The garden was presented to the town in 1933. It was given by Walter Batting who set up a drapers and outfitters in Alton and later retired to Great Austins.

Haren Garden

Enter from South Street (east side)

Celebrating the friendship between Farnham and the Netherlands’ town of Haren, this small garden appropriately features lots of Dutch tulips, making a visit essential in spring or early summer. Large trees and attractive shrubs provide shade while the River Wey gives added interest. The garden remembers the generosity of Farnham residents to the people of Haren in World War 2 after flooding in 1953.

Evelyn Borelli Garden of Rest

Falkner Road

The Evelyn Borelli Garden of Rest offers not only a peaceful spot to reflect, it also includes several pieces of public art. The result is an interesting place to walk or sit, with a modern, creative feel. 

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