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Name our new van

Van wrapped in floral vinyl and parked on gravel

Farnham Town Council welcomes a new environmentally friendly vehicle to its fleet and is asking for your help to name it. The council is running a competition to find the perfect name for the vehicle, which is used by its outdoor workforce and will soon be a familiar sight in the local area.

“When vehicles need replacing we’re making choices that will help us reduce Farnham’s carbon footprint. Our new van runs on compressed natural gas (CNG), making it a far cleaner choice. It will join two similar vans – called Flora and Fauna – so we’re asking residents to come up with ideas for the perfect name for our new addition,” says Councillor Sally Dickson, Lead Member for Community Enhancement.

To enter the competition, send an email to by 29 February or find the council on Twitter or Facebook to suggest your idea. A small panel will decide the winning name and invite the winner to an official naming ceremony.

Just like Flora and Fauna, the newest member of Farnham’s family of vans features a striking design of wildflowers. Residents can expect to spot it at local parks, cemeteries, the town centre and areas where council staff carry out maintenance and improvement tasks as they look after Farnham.

The council is working towards being carbon neutral by 2030. Its choice of a more environmentally vehicle represents its latest action to try to reach that target. Among the environmental advantages of CNG are that its produces less carbon monoxide and fewer hydrocarbons.

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