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Grown in Farnham

Mix of vegetables growing in two large containers in paved area of town centre.

A project to get more people enjoying home grown food is ripe for picking in Farnham town centre. 

Members and volunteers at the Farnham Community Farm have planted four edible tubs in South Street for residents and visitors of Farnham to harvest and enjoy as part of Farnham in Bloom. 

Councillor Sally Dickson, Lead Member for Farnham in Bloom says: “Fresh fruit and vegetables that you have grown and picked yourself taste so much better. The produce, which has been grown in the edible containers is now ready for picking so please help yourself to a sample but remember only to take leaves from the outside of the plant so that it keeps growing for others to enjoy!”

The edible containers include herbs, lettuce, kale, tomatoes and spinach. 

Speaking about the project, Farnham Community Farm Coordinator Katie Forman says: “We are really excited to be involved in Farnham in Bloom this year, and we hope that our edible planters in the town centre show people you don’t need a lot of space to grow your own fresh, delicious vegetables and herbs! Farnham in Bloom is all about community, and we hope the In Bloom judges enjoyed seeing how Farnham Community Farm, the town’s local vegetable growing project, is an example of how the people of Farnham come together to do great things.”

If you would like to find out more about planting an edible container in your neighbourhood or are interested in taking on an allotment, please contact Lara Miller at Farnham Town Council. 

For more information about the Community Farm’s locally grown, pesticide-free, minimally packaged veg and volunteering opportunities visit

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