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Centre made safer for children

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Farnham Town Council has carried out repairs to improve safety and security at Wrecclesham Community Centre.

The perimeter fence along one side of the site had been damaged, which meant the outside area was not very secure.

Chairman of Wrecclesham Community Centre Management Committee, Christopher Ellis says: “We would like to thank Farnham Town Council for repairing the broken fence. It has tidied up the area and I believe it will help to prevent litter from blowing onto the Centre’s grounds. Now that the site is secure, it also means the children who attend the playgroup will be able to play outside safely.”

Councillor John Ward, Leader of the Council says: “Wrecclesham Community Centre is a fantastic community asset. It is well supported and offers a variety of classes and activities for all ages. There is a drop-in coffee morning, a youth club, an over 60s social club, dance, yoga, Farnham’s only model railway club plus lots more.

“Since the Centre was refurbished, the Trustees have worked very hard to make this a thriving and successful community centre. We are pleased to work with the Trustees on any necessary improvements.”

As well as serving as the venue for organised activities, Wrecclesham Community Centre can be hired for one-off events such as children’s parties, talks or meetings.

Further information about the classes and activities on offer can be found at or contact the bookings secretary Sue Weston on 01252 726779.

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