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Allotment holders invited to show off produce at Farnham’s Allotment Show

Paper plates of beans from the allotment.

Allotment holders are invited to enter their prize produce to this year’s Allotment Show. The deadline for entering is 25 August and the show itself takes place in Gostrey Meadow on 4 September.

“Allotment holders are getting used to nurturing their fruits, vegetables and flowers in challenging weather conditions, but we still hope to see some impressive produce. Entering is easy, simply get in touch with Farnham Town Council, before the deadline and let us know the classes you intend to enter,” says Councillor Sally Dickson, Lead Member for Community Enhancement.

Allotment holders planning on entering can call the council on 01252 712667 or send an email to to give their details.

“The show is always tremendous fun and while the judging is serious business, the show is also about celebrating the brilliant tradition of gardening in allotments, its challenges, successes and benefits. Whether you are new to gardening or are old enough to remember gardening in the drought of 1976, we would love for you to enter something in the show,” continues the Councillor Dickson. 

Classes this year include a wide range of vegetables and fruits as well as herbs and flowers such as dahlias, sweet peas and cottage garden favourites. There are also categories for baked goods, preserves and photography and for the children and grandchildren of allotment holders to enter.

The show will run alongside Music in the Meadow, the free community music and picnic event also taking place in Gostrey Meadow on 4 September. Entries are invited from 1pm, with judging starting at 2.30pm and awards presented from 3.30pm.  

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