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Register to attend the Annual Town Meeting

exterior of red brick building, flags and clock on the side.

Voters in Farnham can register now to attend the Annual Town Meeting which this year takes place online. The meeting will be held virtually at 6.30pm on Thursday 18 March on Zoom.

Register online or send an email to Farnham Town Council at To attend, residents simply need internet access and a computer or similar device such as a smartphone or tablet. 

“If you have been to the Annual Town Meeting before, you will find the format familiar, with some short presentations on plans for the next 12 months and updates on key progress in the last year, plus time to answer questions. With the convenience of being online, we hope that even more people will be able to join us so if this is your first Annual Town Meeting, we welcome your input and hope you find it an interesting way to get involved in Farnham life,” says Councillor Pat Evans, the Mayor of Farnham.

This year the Mayor’s address will talk about the impact of COVID on Farnham and how the community has responded so far.

The Mayor also encourages voters to submit questions: “We invite questions in advance so please get in touch with your burning issues – anyone registered to vote in Farnham can submit a question about Farnham Town Council’s responsibilities. In the past we have been asked about topics such as climate change, the Farnham Infrastructure Programme and council tax as well as our core services such as our events programme, parks and open spaces and allotments.”

For issues outside of the council’s responsibilities, councillors will follow up with relevant organisations after the meeting.

The council anticipates that each of 18 councillors, representing every ward in Farnham and surrounding villages, will attend. Presentations will be made on tourism and events, community enhancement, finance and cemeteries. 

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