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Comments and questions invited

exterior of red brick building, flags and clock on the side.

Farnham’s Annual Town Meeting takes place on Thursday 26 March, providing a face to face opportunity for residents to hear about the town council’s plans and priorities for Farnham and for residents to share their views and ask questions.

The meeting takes place at 7pm at the Farnham Maltings. It is open to all Farnham electors but, for the purposes of catering and practical arrangements, anyone planning to attend is asked to email by 23 March.

“Asking questions and keeping up with how the town council is planning its services over the next year is an important part of being in a democracy. It’s a good way to find out the facts about the council’s priorities and aspirations, direct from your elected representatives, and to get an answer to any questions you have about local council services,” says Councillor Pat Evans, the Mayor of Farnham who will chair the event. “If you take an interest in local issues and how the council looks after our town and surrounding villages, do put the date in your diary, and come and meet me and my councillor colleagues on the 26th,” she says.

The meeting includes presentations by the councillors responsible for key areas such as tourism and events and for community enhancement. Most of Farnham Town Council’s 18 elected members representing the area’s nine wards are expected to be at the meeting to take comments and answer questions.

Questions at the meeting are likely to cover the council’s main areas of responsibility such as contributing to decisions on planning matters, supporting the local economy, community events, and looking after allotments, cemeteries, parks and outside spaces.

Councillors will do their best to answer questions from the public as fully as possible. For those issues that fall outside the town council’s responsibilities, they will follow up with the relevant body and provide a response after the meeting.

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