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Schools in bloom winners

School children with the Mayor of Farnham in front of a hanging basket.

The school year ended on a celebratory note when Farnham Town Council revealed the results of the Farnham in Bloom schools’ competitions. 

The first result to be announced was for the schools’ hanging basket competition. This year, 13 local schools visited Farnham Town Council’s greenhouses to plant their hanging baskets. The baskets were taken back to school so the children could spend the last few weeks of the school term looking after the plants and flowers in their quest to grow a winning basket. 

The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Pat Evans had the tough job of judging the baskets. She said: “It was an absolute pleasure to visit the schools and to meet the children who have worked so hard to look after their baskets during a very hot and dry summer. It was wonderful to see such passion and creativity. 

“The standard was very high but for me, Potter’s Gate’s baskets stood out as the clear winner. The flowers were bountiful and healthy and had been very well looked after. Second prize went to Hale School and it was a close third for Badshot Lea Infants. Well done to everybody who took part and thank you for the part you have played in Farnham in Bloom.” 

As well as growing flowers in a conventional hanging basket, children also rose to the challenge of rearing plants and flowers in a boot. The judges saw some very imaginative planting and awarded first prize to South Farnham Junior School. 

Judging has also taken place of the schools’ scarecrow competition. The Abbey School won first prize for their Roly-Poly Bird scarecrow, which is a Roald Dahl character. 

The winning scarecrows are on display in an empty shop in South Street until the end of the summer.

Several schools are fortunate enough to have a permanent school garden so they are able to enjoy gardening all year round. The Best School Garden category of the Secret Gardens competition attracted a very high standard of entry with first prize being awarded to Badshot Lea Infant School. 

The final competition saw children being challenged to design an anti-litter poster. Hundreds of entries were received and included some very visual and hard-hitting messages explaining why people should not drop litter. First prize was awarded to pupils at South Farnham Infant School. The winning posters can be seen on display on noticeboards around the town.

Every school and nursery who entered the competitions will be invited to attend the Farnham in Bloom Schools’ Awards in October. Winning schools will be presented with prizes and certificates. 

Results of the competitions


1st – Abbey School

2nd– Badshot Lea Infant School

3rd– South Farnham Infant School

Very highly Commended – Westchester Nursery

Very highly Commended – St Andrew’s Infant School

Highly commended– Potters Gate Primary School

Flowers in a Boot

1st– South Farnham Junior School

2nd–Folly Hill Infant School

3rd– Badshot Lea Infant School

Very highly Commended – South Farnham Infant School

Highly commended– Potters Gate Primary School

Commended – Tootsies Nursery

Commended – Westchester Nursery

Secret Gardens – Best School Garden

1st– Badshot Lea Infant School

2nd– St Mary’s Infant School

3rd– Abbey School

Highly commended– Tootsies Nursery

Commended – St Andrew’s Infant School

Best Anti-Litter Poster 

1st– South Farnham InfantSchool 

2nd– Abbey School

3rd– Folly Hill Infant School

Very highly Commended – Badshot Lea Infant School

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