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Councillors in the making

School children sitting around a conference table.

Twenty students from More House School visited Farnham Town Council on Wednesday 4 July to meet the Mayor and conduct a Pupil Voice meeting, which is similar to a school council.

The meeting began with a question and answer session chaired by the Mayor of Farnham, Councillor David Attfield. The Mayor was quizzed for half an hour on a wide range of topics. He was asked about his role and what he enjoys about being Mayor. The Mayor explained how the town, borough and county councils provide different services and how Surrey is responsible for the town’s roads and filling potholes.

Councillor David Attfield said: “It was a pleasure to welcome the students to Farnham Town Council and for them to have the opportunity to hold their meeting in the formal setting of the Council Chamber.

“I really enjoyed the question and answer session. The students asked some very good questions and are now better informed about the role of local government.”

Following the question session, the students conducted their Pupil Voice forum.

Speaking after the meeting Jonathan Hetherington Headmaster at More House School said: “Our students really enjoyed visiting Farnham Town Council and meeting the Mayor. Members of the forum represent their peers’ opinions and ideas for school development. Conducting their meeting in the formality of the council chamber was a wonderful experience and one they seemed to take to rather well!”

Any local school wishing to visit the Town Council should email their request to

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