Children from St. Andrew’s School in Farnham have received first prize in this year’s schools’ hanging basket competition.
Seventeen local schools entered the competition, which was judged by the Mayor and Mayoress of Farnham. Second prize was given to All Saints, Tilford and joint third was awarded to Badshot Lea Infants’ School and The Ridgeway Community School. The baskets made by all other schools were ‘very highly commended or ‘highly commended’.
The children visited the Town Council’s greenhouses a few months ago to plant their hanging baskets. Once the plants had established, Farnham Town Council delivered the baskets to the schools so that the children could take on full responsibility for caring for their plants. In total, 90 baskets were planted and one from each school was kept back for display in Central car park.
Mayor of Farnham, Councillor John Ward says: “Overall, the baskets were spectacular and had been very well looked after by the children. The children managed to pack their baskets full of cascading flowers and foliage to create real impact and drama. They proved that you do not need a big space to make something beautiful.
“I was delighted to hear how proud the children are of their baskets and that they have enjoyed showing family members their school’s hanging basket in Central car park.”
A special schools’ awards presentation will be held in October at Squire’s Garden Centre, Gold sponsor of Farnham in Bloom.
Farnham in Bloom is sponsored by:
- Corporate sponsor: BBS Ltd
- Gold sponsors: The Patio Black Spot Removal Company Ltd, Graduate Landscapes, Forest Lodge and Squire’s Garden Centre
- Silver sponsor: Bourne Valley Contractors

St Andresw’s School and the Mayor and Mayoress of Farnham