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Greenhouse open day

colourful hanging baskets in greenhouse.

Farnham will soon become a riot of colour as hanging baskets and flower-filled troughs and containers decorate the streets in readiness for visits by the judges from South and South East in Bloom and Britain in Bloom.

A few days before the 200 plus hanging baskets make their debut appearance in and around Farnham, Farnham Town Council will hold its annual greenhouse open day.

Farnham has won gold in South and South East in Bloom four years in a row and the greenhouses are where the competition begins. The greenhouse open day is a popular event and is a chance to see behind the scenes. It will take place from 10am to 12 noon and between 6.30pm and 7.30pm on Wednesday 18 May. Light refreshments will be available.

Councillor Stephen Hill, Lead Member for Farnham in Bloom says: “From early spring, Farnham Town Council’s greenhouses serve as nurseries for over 16,000 plug plants. The Town Council’s outside workforce team nurture the plants and get them to the stage where they can be transferred into hanging baskets.

“Seeing all the baskets in one place is quite a spectacle and the colour and the scent are something else. The baskets and containers are a welcome addition to the streets of Farnham and I hope residents and visitors will enjoy them as much as in previous years.”

The greenhouses can be accessed from West Street allotments where limited parking is available. Anybody who wishes to visit the greenhouses is asked to contact Lara Prior on 01252 712667 or email

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