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Have you had your say?

Time to comment on the latest version of the Neighbourhood Plan is running out. If you wish to add your views, please visit the Farnham Town Council website soon or call in for a hard copy at the office in South Street. The survey has questions on housing numbers, the location of new development and green spaces.

Councillor Carole Cockburn Lead Member of the Infrastructure Planning Group says: “It is really important that we receive as many views as possible on the current version of our plan from across the town. It is a simple survey with a very serious purpose, as the Neighbourhood Plan will shape the future of Farnham. We would appreciate all comments by the end of March.”

The aim is to develop a full consultation document, after all the responses have been analysed. This will be supported by a full evidence base and presented to the residents for final comment.

If the Neighbourhood Plan is approved in a local referendum, which it is hoped can take place at the end of the year, the Plan will become the primary planning document for the Farnham area and Waverley Borough Council will be legally obliged to adopt it as a policy.

The survey can be completed online at or a hard copy can be requested from Farnham Town Council by calling 01252 712667. The deadline for completing the survey is Monday 31 March.

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