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Introduction to Verbal Self Defence (Women’s Group)

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Friday 1 December 2023 - 19.00 - 21.00


St Mark's Church

A practical introduction to the Art of Verbal Self Defense, by a Communication Specialist, Maria Soriano.

It is indeed different to deal with a stranger telling you something not nice in the street when you are with your friends or someone who already has some kind of hierarchy with regards to you! This is the type of things we will deal with in our introduction to VSD, from how we feel to what can we do/say. Women tend to share a common substrate and social conditioning when it comes to verbal attacks, and that is what we will takle in this session.

We can use Verbal Self Defence to be more aware of ourselves, the other, and let others know how we want to be treated, as well as deal with aggressive communicators.

Come and learn what Verbal Self Defence can do for you, as there will be a 6 classes course in 2024!

£7 at the door, please let us know that you are coming either using the Meetup Group Studio for Growth, the Facebook page with the same name or emailing at

St Mark the Evangelist Church has onsite parking for some cars and its also possible to park on the street in front.

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