Farnham Town Council Services
Christmas lights
Working with the business community and local property owners,
the Town Council helps to light up the town centre and village areas
each Christmas. Farnham Town Council would like to extend its
Christmas lights to more areas. Contact us if you have ideas of how
to help us make that happen.
Civic events
The council year is marked with formal events such as Mayor-
making and Remembrance Sunday as well as fundraising highlights
and celebrations including the Venison Dinner, a carol service and
community awards for individuals who make a difference to life
in Farnham.
Keeping residents and visitors informed helps people get the most
out of their town and villages. It also enables us to be transparent
about how we spend public money. Farnham Town Council shares
its news with the local media as well as producing publications
like this Residents' Guide, promoting news on social media
website, www.farnham.gov.uk/news.