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Ask questions and share views

Town scene showing roof tops, trees and Castle in the background.

A key part of local democracy, the Annual Town Meeting, takes place on Thursday 14 March at 7pm. Farnham Town Council is encouraging residents to come along and take part.

Councillor David Attfield, Mayor of Farnham says: “Town councillors will be at the meeting ready to answer questions and hear people’s views about the issues that matter to local people. If you are interested in plans and priorities for Farnham and our surrounding villages or want to know why a particular decision is being made, the Annual Town Meeting is the place to be. Local democracy works best when electors get involved in the process so I hope that lots of residents come along. 

“There is usually lively debate and engaging discussion at the Annual Town Meeting so I would encourage anyone interested in Farnham to join us at 7pm on the 14th.” 

Farnham Town Council is actively involved in matters such as planning applications, organising events, supporting the local economy and in keeping parks and outdoor areas up to the standard that residents expect. These issues, among many others, are the sorts of areas residents often ask about at the meeting.

This year’s Annual Town Meeting takes place at the Farnham Maltings and is open to all electors. The council would like people wishing to attend to inform them by email ( or on 01252 712667 so they can make sure that everyone can be accommodated. 

Most Town Councillors are expected to attend the meeting and will do their utmost to answer all questions. For issues that are outside the control of the Town Council – such as those in the remit of the police, borough or county council – they will follow up with the relevant organisation.

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